How to save the beautiful illustrations at the end of the small buried film of Himouto! Umaru-chan? Many animes are applicable

    For example, many animation endings often use this way to be lazy. A beautifully drawn large picture rolls up and down, left and right, and 45 degrees obliquely. In short, it just doesn't let you have a glimpse of its whole picture (except zoom).

    After rolling a few pictures, you can play the ending song. Good music and good picture. Dongling knows that the producer is to save trouble, but he doesn't object to this way. After all, people have also drawn beautiful pictures, which is better than the way of rolling subtitles on a black background. I don't know how many levels.

    The problem comes. It's a pity that so many beautiful drawings can't get a glimpse of the whole picture. Is there any other way to recover from memory and imagination?

    When looking at the small burial of Himouto! Umaru-chan, Dongling tried this automatic jigsaw method, which is very easy to use, to see the renderings.

    Isn't it beautiful? Do you have any impression on the ending picture when watching"Himouto! Umaru-chan! Xiaoburi". The specific methods are as follows

    1. You should be able to take screenshots. It depends on what player you use. Iqiyi has screenshots. If you really don't have them, you can also use the shortcut key of full screen screenshots. This is because the machine and system are the same.

    2. Then you get a partial picture. Install a Photoshop and operate according to the following figure.

    3. Select the screenshot and confirm it all the way.

    The function of this automatic puzzle is still very reliable. After carefully looking at the renderings, diffuse fans may find that this method has some small regrets, that is, there are eye-catching subtitles. It would be great to find a source that can close the subtitles.

    However, the image with subtitles can also be removed after repeated clipping. Finally, make a big picture without subtitles. Whether you have this patience depends on your preference for animation.

    Take a look at some beautiful illustrations of the end of the small embedded piece of Himouto! Umaru-chan.

    How to save the beautiful illustrations at the end of the small buried film of Himouto! Umaru-chan? Many animes are applicable



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    :?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: