What cultural and entertainment projects do you want to promote most in China?

    As we all know, the Japanese especially like to travel to different worlds. Before the alien world, there was a world with the framework of the chronicle of the Twelve Kingdoms. Now most of the alien worlds they go to are set in medieval Europe, which is similar to the stage framework of Warcraft. In that strange world, one of the most favorite things for Japanese houses is to build Japanese hot springs and carry forward their bathhouse culture.

    King Meng went to a different world to blame Jianguo. He built a hot spring and attracted a number of demon kings with this fairy like enjoyment. The country has an umbrella and everything is prosperous. It seems that Regarding Reincarnated to Slime's Meng Wang himself misses this three dimensional collective project.

    The demon king went to a different world and built base areas. He built hospitals and hot springs and subdued nobles and businessmen with this fairy like enjoyment. With an umbrella in the base area, the Demon King became famous. Come on! Lord devil, hospitals and hot springs. The place people don't want to go is hospitals. The civilized life people in different worlds want to enjoy is hot springs.

    The king of bones went to a different world. He didn't build a hot spring. He didn't want to, but a pile of bones couldn't take a bath, and the big tomb was not a suitable occasion. OVERLORD's old bone heart must have thought: when I become famous, I will cook a pool of bone soup for the fans, and everyone will distribute it equally by spoon. If it is not enough, I will draw lots. This is my ideal world.

    Seven niucha high school students went to a different world. They also wanted to build hot springs, wash themselves, and pull many beast mothers down. The low score of high school students' survival in the different world is really self inflicted. We don't have a problem talking about different world events when we are in the hot spring. It should be like that. We don't have a problem letting people want to study for exams when we are relaxed. After all, this is a different world animation, not"We Never Learn".

    Pull the animation that intends to conquer the different world. Most of the protagonists will build hot springs. There are many reasons: first, hot springs can benefit and attract attention. Second, hot springs are really conducive to social networking. Many business negotiations are concluded in bathhouses, and naked meetings are more candid. Third, it is said that medieval Europe was uncivilized, and bathing was not popular among people (including Ajin: Demi-Human) there. Hot springs were indeed advanced things for them, and the advanced civilization produced followers, of course.

    If donglingjun goes to a different world, I must build hot springs, not to mention the Japanese. They do hot springs in animation and vigorously publicize their own culture.

    After chatting about the hot spring, the question comes: if mengwang was a Chinese house, what kind of civilized life would he lead the Ajin: Demi-Human in the different world to enjoy? What projects are suitable for promotion in different world?

    Donglingjun has little talent and learning. He turned to many web pages and couldn't find a suitable project. Food, this is too wide. Martial arts, different world still use martial arts, don't they all make big moves directly? Ceramics, this is a little hopeful, but creation is not difficult. It's not enough to teach people from other countries how to appreciate and play with porcelain. The biggest role is to earn some foreign exchange and revitalize their country's economy. It's strange for a group of coblin pig heads to burn porcelain.

    Finally, donglingjun remembered a favorite good project - Mahjong. It's fun to rub hemp with the harem; rubbing hemp with the bosses of different worlds can show human wisdom and a sense of glory. As for how to release benefits, I gave up and stopped writing. Dear bosses, what projects do you think are suitable for China to carry forward in different countries and lead Asian people to civilization? Welcome to the message area for communication.

    Question at the end: test the depth of the bosses into the pit. Which famous animation did these hemp scenes come from? Tip: This is ri man. The code word is not easy. Please click in the upper left corner to pay attention. After writing this article, I have a feeling that the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture is really not an easy thing to do.

    If Meng Wang was a Chinese house, what would be the earth entertainment project he missed most in the different world? Japanese houses go to different worlds and like to build hot springs. What projects are suitable for Chinese houses to go to different worlds?

    What cultural and entertainment projects do you want to promote most in China?



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