I am not a god of medicine. How can I deal with the problem of”returning to poverty due to illness”? The demon lord of the different world gave an intelligent solution

    Come on! Lord devil, go on! Dongling chat animation. This article continues to chat about the eighth remark of Lord devil - the jump of the devil. This remark is really water-free and nutritious."the existence standing at the top of the country is a person with tolerance for both black and white. It's hard for a man like you to move forward with a clear distinction between black and white.After jiuneibo spits out this golden sentence, he soon proves with practical actions that he is a"demon king"integrating knowledge and practice. He is full of wisdom. Let's see donglingjun decompose slowly.

    In the article"sand carving dragon's proud mouth spits golden sentences, the devil's profound thought makes the charming Saint convinced", we introduced a famous saying of Fitzgerald, the author of the Great Gatsby:"the test standard of first-class wisdom is to hold two opposing ideas at the same time and be normal Act".I also talked about the importance of running two contradictory principles for the current family. Those who get the essence can be exquisite in all aspects, like a fish in water, and there will be much less resistance in life.

    However, it's no use just knowing that this thing is good. It's easier said than done. How to run two contradictory principles at the same time depends on wisdom. There are also ways to run the two contradictory principles at the same time.

    PS: throw a real problem first. Many working parents often encounter the problem of choosing one from the other. For example: to participate in children's school activities, or to participate in important activities of key customers? Do you work overtime and be aggressive, or do you want to be a parent who can give your children enough time to accompany them? What's the right choice?

    When it comes to the demon king, it is not a problem. In other words, they returned to the rabbit village with the newly collected little witch. According to the outline of the plan for revitalizing the economic construction of tulen village, the hardware infrastructure work such as super luxury field hospital and hot spring resort has been completed, and the next step is to start to formulate the business strategy. Nine neibodou and attending physician Tong Yeyou began to discuss the charge of the hospital.

    This problem is a contradiction in any world, otherwise there would be no such a blockbuster film as I am not a god of medicine. On the one hand, institutions providing medical services should make money and profit, on the other hand, they should also take into account moral and social responsibilities, and should not be too profit-making.

    The demon king also saw this very thoroughly. He said:"for the treatment fee, the poor will charge the amount they can easily take out. People without money can't receive much money. On the contrary, don't be polite to the nobility".Tong Yeyou understood Yinghe and said:"yes, I see. Gathering the support of the poor class and seizing wealth from the privileged class, the chief should take the opposite road to the great empire". Then the demon king said a meaningful sentence:"the same road is too boring, isn't it equal to degradation". At the moment, the"Di Hua sound"in the barrage is constantly"eye".

    What is donglingjun's brain tonic at the moment? There are only the words"big data killing"and"big data killing". You should know that the demon king engaged in game operation before crossing. He is very familiar with data operation. He is not only"double standard charging", but also"multi standard charging". The poor let them gather popularity in the game. Just don't let them leave the game. For those krypton gold players who don't care about money, they should cut their meat and give them a god like experience.

    A hospital charges double standards.On the premise of fully mastering patient data,It is easy to implement. It is also true that some"experts"mentioned this possibility when imagining the future, and determined the diagnosis and treatment fee by percentage according to their value.This is supported by the progress of data technology, and I think the meaning of"no degradation"of the demon king also lies in this.

    It's a little far away. Back to see, how does the devil solve the problem of whether to charge more or less? His method to solve this contradiction is toSubdivide and sort.Under certain circumstances, the implementation of certain criteria is given priority.If the patient is poor, give priority to the less charging standard; if the patient is rich, give priority to the more charging standard.

    Let's try this method to answer the previous question. Change the sentence pattern to ask yourself, under what conditions, give priority to work, and under what conditions, children are more important than work. In this way, the contradictory multiple-choice question of absolute one out of two becomes a multi-choice question that can switch roles under different conditions. When the work is not so urgent, you can give priority to parent-child time. When the work is urgent, I can also focus more on completing the work, and I won't feel contradictory at this time, because I know that I don't owe my children at the moment, and I can give them more company in more cases in the future.

    Summary: it is very important to be able to run two contradictory principles at the same time. How to run at the same time is wisdom and knowledge, which should be cultivated slowly. Come back! In Lord devil, the devil uses an operation method called"subdivision and sorting". Under certain circumstances, the principle of so and so shall be given priority.

    Routine benefits: chat about animation and think about practical problems while entertaining. Partners who like this way are welcome to pay attention to Dongling chat animation.

    I am not a god of medicine. How can I deal with the problem of”returning to poverty due to illness”? The demon lord of the different world gave an intelligent solution



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